[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”2″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry” size=”180″ padding=”10″ ngg_triggers_display=”always” captions_enabled=”1″ captions_display_sharing=”0″ captions_display_title=”1″ captions_display_description=”1″ captions_animation=”slideup” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
Bernhard Ziehn: Canonic Studies
| RSS 951 | Kahn & Averill, London, 1976 | £10.95 |
edited and introduced by Ronald Stevenson.
The Paderewski Paradox
| RSS 952 | Klavar Foundation of GB and La Société Paderewski, Morges, Switzerland, 1992 | £4.95 |
by Ronald Stevenson.
Ronald Stevenson, a Musical Biography
| RSS 953 | National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh 1989 | £8.90 |
by Malcolm MacDonald
Western Music: An Introduction
| RSS 954 | Kahn & Averill, London | Out of print. Revised edition currently reprinting |
by Ronald Stevenson
Ronald Stevenson, The Man and his Music. A Symposium edited by Colin Scott-Sutherland
| RSS 955 | Toccata Press, London, 2005 | £45.00 |
Voice & Piano
◊ Songs and song cycles
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://ronaldstevensonsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/songCycles18.mp3″] Song Cycles
Sing a song of seasons! Song cycles by Ronald Stevenson
| RSS 972 | Musaeus MZCD 100 | Duration 76’ | £13.00 |
The Artsong Collective: Moira Harris soprano, Wills Morgan tenor, Richard Black piano
- A Child’s Garden of Verses (1985)
- Nine Haiku (1971)
- Border Boyhood (1970)
A’e gowden lyric. Songs by Ronald Stevenson
| Delphian DCD 34006 | Duration 67’ | £13.00 |
Susan Hamilton, soprano
John Cameron, piano
- A Child’s Garden of Verses (17 songs)
- Traighean (Shores)
- The Robber
- Hill Sang
- The Gaelic Muse
- The Buckie Braes
- The Quiet Comes In
- The Bobbin-Winder
- To The Future
- Wha’s the Bride?
- Trompe L’Oeil
- The Bonny Broukit Bairn
- Fairytales
- Hallowe’en Sang
- The Plum Tree
- The Day is Dune
- The Rose of All the World
- The Droll Wee Man
- A’e Gowden Lyric
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://ronaldstevensonsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/gowdAnnawendy01.mp3″] Anna-Wendy plays with Ronald
Piano solo
Ronald Stevenson piano works
| RSS 963 | Altarus AIR CD 9091 [2CDs] | Duration 116’ | £25.00 |
Ronald Stevenson, piano
- Prelude, Fugue & Fantasy on Busoni’s Faust (1959)
- Recitative and Air on DSCH: In Memoriam Shostakovich (1974)
- Passacaglia on DSCH (1960—62)
Stevenson: Passacaglia on DSCH — Murray McLachlan
| Divine-Art 25013 | Duration 76’ | £12.99 |
Murray McLachlan, piano
- Passacaglia on DSCH (1960—62)
Stevenson Piano Music
| RSS 965 | Altarus AIR CD 9089 | £13.00 |
Joseph Banowetz, piano
- Fugue on a Fragment of Chopin (1948)
- A 20th Century Music Diary (1953—59)
- Symphonic Elegy for Liszt (1986)
- A Scottish Triptych (1959—67)
- Keening Sang for a Makar: In Memoriam Francis George Scott (1959)
- Heroic Sang for Hugh MacDiarmid (1967)
- Chorale Pibroch for Sorley MacLean (1967)
- Motus Perpetuus (?) Temporibus Fatalibus (1987—88)
Piano Music by Stevenson, Sorabji and Hinton
| RSS 966 | Altarus AIR CD9021 | £13.00 |
Donna Amato, piano
- Ronald Stevenson
- Den Bergtekne, ballad after Grieg
- Norse Elegy for Ella Nygaard
- Beltane Bonfire
- Kaikhosru Sorabji
- Variazione maliziosa e perversa sopra La morte d’Åse da Grieg
- Alastair Hinton
- Variations and Fugue on a theme of Grieg
Rhapsody — Lyric Music of Ronald Stevenson
| Dunelm Records DRD 0268 | Duration 78’ | £12.50 |
Sheena Nicoll, piano
- Three Lyric Pieces (1947—50)
- Three Nativity Pieces (1949)
- Symphonic Elegy for Liszt (1986)
- A Carlyle Suite (1995)
- Scottish Folk Music Settings
2. Waly, Waly
3. A rosebud by my Early Walk
8. The Hielan Widow’s Lament
9. Hard is my Fate
10. Ne’erday Sang
Piano Music from Scotland
| RSS 961 | Regis Records AF433 | Duration 77’ | £6.00 |
Awarded Penguin Guide rosette
Murray McLachlan, piano
- Francis George Scott, Eight songs, transcribed by Ronald Stevenson
- Ronald Center, Piano Sonata, Six Bagatelles, Children at Play
- Ronald Stevenson, Beltane Bonfire
- Ronald Stevenson, Two Scottish Ballads:
- The Dowie Dens o’Yarrow
- Newhaven Fish-wife’s Cry
Stevenson plays Grainger: Salute to Scotland
| RSS 962 | Altarus AIR CD 9040 | £13.00 |
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://ronaldstevensonsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/percyGrainger19.mp3″] Ronald playing
- Grainger-Stevenson, Hill-Song no. 1
- Traditional-Grainger, Songs of the North
- Willie’s gane to Melville Castle
- Weaving song
- Skye boat song
- This is no my plaid
- Turn ye to me
- Drowned
- Fair young Mary
- Lizzie Lindsay
- The women are a’ gane wud
- My faithful fond one
- Bonnie George Campbell
- O’er the moor
- Gin I were where Gowrie rins
- Mo Ninghean Dhu
- Grainger-Stevenson, Three Scotch Folksongs
- Will ye gang to the Hielands, Leezie Lindsay
- Mo Ninghean Dhu
- Gin I were where Gadie rins
- Grainger, Scotch Strathspey and Reel
Cathedrals in Sound
| RSS 964 | Altarus AIR CD 9043 | £13.00 |
Ronald Stevenson, piano
- Liszt, Carillon (Die Weinachtsbaum)
- Chopin, Prelude in C minor
- Chopin, Nocturne in C minor
- Debussy, La Cathédrale engloutie
- Marek, Tryptique
- MacDowell, In deep woods
- Stevenson, Heroic song for Hugh MacDiarmid
- Liszt, Abendglocken (Die Weinachtsbaum)
- Sorabji, Fantasiettina
- Bach-Busoni, Chaconne in D minor
The Essence of Busoni
| RSS 968 | Altarus AIR CD9041 | £13.00 |
Ronald Stevenson, piano
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://ronaldstevensonsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/busoniEssence05.mp3″] Ronald playing
Variations on a Chopin Prelude
Prélude et étude en arpèges
Epilogue, from An die Jugend
Prelude, Fugue & Fantasy on Busoni’s Faust (1959)
Twentieth-Century Operatic Fantasias
| RSS 969 | Altarus AIR CD9042 | £13.00 |
- Ronald Stevenson, Prelude, Fugue & Fantasy on Busoni’s Faust (1959)
- Richard Strauss-Percy Grainger, Rosenkavalier-Ramble
- Alban Berg-Ronald Stevenson, Wiegenlied aus Wozzeck
- Alan Bush-Ronald Stevenson, The Minstrel’s Lay, from Wat Tyler
- Benjamin Britten-Ronald Stevenson, Peter Grimes Fantasy
Essentially Scottish. Piano music from Scotland
| RSS 970 | Koch-Schwann 3-1590-2 | Duration 67’ | No longer available |
Ronald Brautigam, piano
Ronald Stevenson
- South Uist Folksong Suite
- A Wheen Tunes for Bairns tae Spiel
- Three Scottish Ballads
and works by Cramer, Kiallmark, MacKenzie, Bantock and Chisolm
The Britten Connection
| RSS 971 | Gamut Classics GAM CD 526 | no longer available | Copies still with RSS |
Anthony Goldstone, piano
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://ronaldstevensonsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/brittenAnthony16.mp3″] Anthony Goldstone playing
- Stevenson, Sonatina Serenissima
- works by Bridge, Ireland, Britten, L. Berkeley and Matthews
The Transcendental Tradition. Ronald Stevenson in Concert. Vancouver, 21 April 1976
| Appian Publications and Recordings APR 5630 | Duration 76’ | £10.00 |
- Stevenson: Peter Grimes Fantasy (duration 7’00”)
- Stevenson: Prelude, Fugue and Fantasy on themes from Busoni’s Doktor Faust (duration 27’10”)
- works by Schubert/Liszt, Chopin/Godowsky, Gluck/Alkan, Strauss/Grainger, Gershwin/Grainger and Bach/Busoni
The Art of Transcription
Including the Peter Grimes Fantasy
Risto-Matti Marin, piano
| Alba Records, Finland, ABCD 240 | (‚¬22.00) |
Bridgewater Hall Organ
| RSS 976 | ASC Records, ASC CS CD 42 | £13.00 |
- Stevenson: Reflections on an Old Scots Psalm Tune (1965)
- Stevenson: Fugue on a Shepherd’s Air from Tristan and Isolde
- Works by Bach, Pitfield, Glinka arr. Battiwalla, Saint-Saëns arr. Lemare, Duruflé and Dukas arr. J. Scott.
Jonathan Scott (Bridgewater Hall organ, Manchester)
In Memoriam John Ogdon (1937—1989)
| RSS 975 | Altarus AIR CD9063 (2) | £25.00 |
Kevin Bowyer, organ:
- Stevenson, Prelude and Fugue on a theme by Liszt
- Hinton, Pansophiae for John Ogdon
John Ogdon, piano:
- Busoni, Fantasia Contrappuntistica
- Busoni, Fantasia nach J. S. Bach
- Stevenson, Sonatina no. 1
- Ogdon, Dance Suite
Solo violin
Slavický — Stevenson — Fišer — Hanuš
| RSS 973 | Waldmann JW 014 | Duration 67’ | £13.00 |
Petr Macecek, violin
- Stevenson, Scots Suite (duration 23’31”)
- and works by Slavický, Fišer and Hanuš
Chamber & Orchestral
◊ String quartet
String quartets
| RSS 974 | Lakesound Productions AVK 005 | £13.00 |
Jan Becher String Quartet
- Four Meditations for String Quartet (duration 9’09”)
- Recitative and Air on DSCH: in Memoriam Shostakovich (1987) (duration 5’51”)
- works by Dafydd Bullock and Dominique Dupraz
Ronald Stevenson — Sylvie Bodorova
| Arco Diva UP 0052-2 131 | Duration 62’ | £10.00 |
Nigel Cliffe, baritone
Maria Isabel Siewers, guitar
Martinu Quartet (Lubomir Havlak — 1st violin, Petr Matejak — 2nd violin, Jan Jisa — viola, Jitka Vlasankova — cello)
- Bodorova: Terezin Ghetto Requiem for baritone and string quartet
- Bodorova: Concierto de Estio for guitar and string quartet
- Stevenson: String Quartet “Voces vagabundae” (duration 29’10”)
◊ Violin and piano
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://ronaldstevensonsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/twentiethChoral09.mp3″] Twentieth Century Choral
Schnittke — Stevenson — Martinu
| Arco Diva UP 0077-2 131 | Duration 57’ | £10.00 |
Ivana Tomaskova, violin
Renata Ardasevova, piano
- Stevenson: Three Grounds for Solo Violin (duration 10’25”)
- Stevenson: Recitativo and Air for Violin and Piano (duration 5’10”)
- Schnittke: Suite in the Old Style for Violin and Piano
- Martinu: Sonata No.3 for Violin and Piano, H.303
Ronald & Anna-Wendy Stevenson — Gowd & Silver
| Eclectic Records ECL CD 0518 | Duration 41’ | £12.50 |
Anna-Wendy Stevenson, violin
Ronald Stevenson, piano
- Ae Gowden Lyric
- Lady Charlotte Campbell
- Craigellachie Brig
- Jock O’ Hazeldean
- Lament for the Death of Neil Gow’s Second Wife
- Sailing Song
- Witching Song for the Milking
- A Little Mouth Music
- Waulking Song
- Spinning Song
- A Tired Mother’s Lullaby
- The Christ Child’s Lullaby
- My Love is Like a Red Red Rose
- John Gow’s Compliments to the Minstrels of Scotland
- Miss Campbell of Saddell
- My Love She’s But a Lassie Yet
- Hard is My Fate
- Recitative and Air
- Nocturne
◊ Two pianos
Busoni, Music for two pianos
| RSS 967 | Altarus AIR CD9044 | £13.00 |
Joseph Banowetz and Ronald Stevenson, pianos
- Fantasia Contrappuntistica (1921 version)
- Improvisation on the Bach Chorale Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seele
- Mozart Fantasy for a mechanical organ, K608 (transcribed for 2 pianos by Busoni)
- Fugue on the folksong O du lieber Augustin for piano duet
- Two Finnish Folksongs for piano duet
◊ Solo instrument with orchestra
Piano Concertos
| RSS 960 | Regis Records AF 824| Duration 65’ | £6.00 |
Murray McLachlan, piano; Chetham’s Symphony Orchestra conducted by Julian Clayton
- Piano Concerto No. 1 Faust Triptych (1959—60)
- Piano Concerto No. 2 The Continents (1970—72)